Movie Review: Inkaar

If I had to be reborn as a female, I'd like to be Chitrangda Singh. If I had to marry someone, it would be Arjun Rampal. The two most hottest bollywood celebrities sizzle in Sudhir Mishra's latest movie - Inkaar. Mr.Salt-and-Pepper-Long-Locks[SPLL] finally made some smart decisions in casting these hotties together. If not for the story, you're definitely getting audiences into the theatres to watch these gorgeous couple make chemistry on the silver screen!

Sudhir Mishra is another director who makes off-beat hindi movies. I love his style of infusing multiple themes & presenting it with such sleek sharpness that you almost feel like a part of the movie. With a few spins of his magical wand, his characters in any movie are created in such a way that someone or the other(if not the majority) is bound to relate to them. He's the sort of writer who is undervalued in our Indian Cinema's contributions. It's sad how Bollywood focuses on commercial value too much that it makes the Indian audiences dumber by every commercial movie produced. It is no wonder the stereotypical notion of song-and-dance-behind-the-trees is associated with Bollywood movies outside of India.

Anyhu, not like any of this really matters or is connected to the review of Inkaar. I was just trying to sound intelligent and make you look bad so that I can feel smarter & get an ego-boost out of that. HA! *smirks*

Coming back to the movie, playing along the lines of politics,vengeance,desire,lust,morality,justice & the-most-obvious-and-common-potient-of-mishra's-movies-LOVE, Mr.SPLL has delivered yet another amusing movie. This time, he has chosen the setting of an advertising agency. Many people are finding it cliched. That's because either, you've been scandalous yourself*ahem*ahem*, OR you're an insensitive little prick who has no appreciation nor taste for good movies because you're injected with that sensationalism drug called Arnab Goswami. Okay maybe I took that too far but hey! It's a free world where I'm entitled to my freedom of speech so whut-ev-errrrrr! *gives a super cool wannabe look*
Strengths of Inkaar:
1. Good performances by Chitrangda & Rampal. Though I have to admit, this isn't Chitrangda's best performances,given her potential. She's a raw diamond that usually shines in SPLL's movies. So yeah,in some of the scenes, her acting makes you go like whuuuuuuut?!Trying too hard sista. Take it easy yo. Rampal's getting better by his every movie. Apart from minor hiccups like Ra.One of course. I hope to God you & I both don't have to bear anymore of hiccups from your end.

2. The movie keeps you glued to the screen thanks to brilliant direction by SPLL & intelligent cinematography by Sachin Krishn.

3.Background score is also decent, nothing too jarring. Again, very SPLL-movie type of music.

4.Vipin Sharma. This guy's funny as hell in the movie. He's got very few dialogues but whenever he says whatever he says, he says it right & says it well. You'll do more than just a chuckle. I promise. Provided you have a sense of humour of course.

Weakness of Inkaar:

1.As the movie begins till just-before-the-climax, it's pretty realistic. The ending, however, is something that'll only happen in SPLL's movies. So you might get disappointed. I know I did. Actually no, I think I was okay with it. But then not really happy. Actually, I don't know. I was just..dumbfounded. That does not mean I am dumb before you make any lame spin-offs in your little head about me, for the record. Also, HOWDAREYOUJUSTHROWAWAYANiPHONE Maya(Chitrangda's name in the movie)??!!! HOW HOW HOW??? What sort of an idiot throws away a smartphone when you could've just taken out the sim card?! [stupidity at its worst best worst best oh I don't know!! x-( ]
Inkaar sheds like on sexual harassment in corporate office - yes. That's pretty much evident from the trailers. What is interesting about the movie is HOW it is presented. Because sexual harassment at work is not an unknown territory on which movies have not been made in the past. Appreciate this movie for SPLL's style & understanding of what is actually like in such cases.
I think the message he was trying to get across is that there are always two sides to a story. There is no right or wrong, it's just what you choose to see or believe. can't say beer is better than whiskey or tequila is better than vodka. That's all wrong. You must respect the different alcohols and understand that people have different tastes! Not that I'm saying that's how I perceive Rahul & Maya, the leading protagonists of the movie. :/

In other words,
Wise Direction, Brilliant Cinematography, Complementing Background Score, Witty & Smart Script, Good Editing. 
My rating: 3.75/5
This is not a theatre watch, BUT that doesn't mean it's not a watch at all. Wait for the DVD release or good print online & download it.

For all those fellow male amigos of mine, yes, there're bedroom scenes & Chitrangda looks as hot as ever so go ahead and catch it in the theatres.
